Wyoming State Trappers Association
P. O. Box 83
Baggs, WY 82321

Document Library

DocumentMembership FormMail in membership form


  Membership includes:

     Membership Card

     Yearly subscription to the Trapper’s Post


Adult with Trappers Post                                                            $40.00

Family (residing at same address)  with Trappers Post          $50.00

15 and under                                                                                 $12.00


 Lifetime                                                                                          $500.00 

(lifetime does not include magazine subscription. Extra $14.00  per year for The Trapper’s Post.)

To join please send name, address, phone number and email to 

PO BOX 83, Baggs, WY 82321 or pay by PayPal below. Please remit your name, address, phone and email. 

Any questions regarding membership please email Dawn at arnelld@yahoo.com or text or call 307-380-7013. 

Lifetime membership of $500.00. Includes magazine for the first year and a patch.
Family membership Includes one year subscription to the Trapper's Post.
Adult Membership Includes 1 year to the Trappers Post
Adult Membership without magazine
15 years and Under Membership